The 4-year-old girl accompanied her mother to the Chanel show at Paris Fashion Week on Tuesday. The ladies arrived hand-in-hand — walking a few steps in front of Lopez's boyfriend, Casper Smart — at the Grand Palais for the big event. Lopez, 43, had on a plunging lace dress and black pointed-toe shoes. Emme wore a pink dress and shoes with a white cardigan and butterfly purse.
Lopez is on a world tour through Europe, Asia, and Australia. Most recently she has been in Lisbon, Portugal, prepping for her Oct. 5 concert date, which will be filmed in 3D for her upcoming movie "Dance Again."
"Quick day hop to Paris!! Fashion week fun," Lopez tweeted on Monday. Earlier she shared, "Enjoying a beautiful [Lisbon] morning... The weather here is gorgeous!! Love it!"
Source: Yahoo