Health Tips: Water! A Natural Remedy For Sound Body And Mind


One: Heart Disease and stroke – Water is essential to help prevent clogging of arteries in the heart and brain.
Two: Infection – Water may increase the efficiency of the immune system to combat infection and cancer cells.
Three: Depression – Water helps the body naturally replenish the supply of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
Four: Sleep Disorder – Water is needed for the production of natural sleep regulator: melatonin.
Five: Lack of Energy – Water generates electrical and magnetic energy in every body cell providing a natural power boost.
Six: Addiction – Water can help eliminate addictive urges for caffeine, alcohol and some drugs.
Seven: Osteoporosis – Water is an aid to strong bone formation.
Eight: Leukemia and Lymphoma – Water normalizes the blood malfunctioning and helps in the prevention of many forms of cancer.
Nine: Attention Deficit – A well-hydrated brain is continually energized to imprint new information in its memory banks.

THROUGH work, no doubt, your body cries for water. If you are not sick, you must feel thirsty. What has been discovered for the first time in the history of modern science based medicine, is the way to prevent and cure the degenerative disease of human body, simply and naturally with water.

The causes of these health problems have been discovered and exposed for every one’s benefit. In short, prevent diseases by drinking water.

Finally, before I drop my pen, I intend to stress that because of their growing nature, children are constantly and naturally dehydrated. A great deal of water is used in the processes of cell expansion and division. 75 per cent of each cell is water. The body of a growing child constantly needs and calls for water, otherwise, growth would not be possible. If the natural call of the body for water is satisfied by manufactured chemical containing fluid and sugar-containing drinks, health, growth and development events that water itself initiates may not take place efficiently and crisis events such as asthma and allergies may occur. Drink water regularly, daily, and in normal quantity.

Oily skin: Is it A Gift?

PEOPLE complain of oily skin, especially the facial skin. But they tend to be in complete ignorance of, or have forgotten the fact that this skin type is generally slower in showing time lines, wrinkles and discoloration, though quite prone to large pores, break-outs and a greasy look. Oily skin is a result of over-productive sebaceous glands. There is a way-out though. There are steps, which, if taken, can make people appreciate the beauty of such a skin-type.

WASH your face two/three times daily with soap (mild) and water. Also have your bath with warm (not hot) water, which can strip your skin of weeded moisture. Also drink about 8-10 glasses of water daily. Water, as we can see, is very important and a good measure of it will help us in dealing with the oily skin type.

THIS liquid is rich glycolic acid for exfoliation, renewal, revitalizing, clarification and rejuvenation of the skin, especially, where there are blemishes. Within a few days, blemishes fade and a smooth and clear skin emerges.

When applied to the face with a cotton pad, lemon juice proves to be a reliable natural skin toner. Just apply a few drops to a cotton pad.

APPLY honey to your face for 10 minutes daily and watch your face glow.

A study has shown that it isn’t fatty foods that trigger your skin to break out but rather, refined sugar which triggers insulin levels to rise raises your metabolism and as a result, increases the rate at which your oil-producing gland produces oil.

WE must still moisturize our face because of high radiation, which can irritate our skin, making it too dry. And we still maintain our skin balance.
With these aforementioned tips, I hope to see the satisfaction on your faces as you begin to appreciate the true beauty of an oily facial skin and ways to enhance it. Thank you and God bless.

Note! Note!! Note!!
ENERGY intake should be more of carbohydrates than fats.

DO not overcook your vegetables. Make them lightly steamed. Excessive cooking destroys the living enzymes in them.

CONSUMPTION of cholesterol and salt should be reduced, because they cause hypertension and heart disease.
THOSE who are overweight should reduce their total energy intake to achieve optimum weight.

IRON – containing foods, folic acids and vitamin B12 intake are encouraged to enhance increase in blood formation.

Source: Osun defender
