The past week has seen the Hip-hop scene in Nigeria buzzing seriously over, following the release of a Nigezie video which showed revered rapper Segun Babatunde a.k.a Modenine and beauty-queen-turned-rapper Munachi Abii in a verbal confrontation during a rap competition which took place some weeks ago.
Hours after the video hit the internet and turned viral; Muna’s management released a statement which sparked up more controversy by infuriating all those who were following the Muna-Modenine drama. The statement signed by RMG boss Ayo Shonaiya failed to apologise, or defend Muna’s actions but instead cheekily insulted reporters and bloggers and indeed everyone discussing the issue.
The statement only added more salt to injury as Muna and her management received more insults from those following the debate. The rapper on her own partfelt pressured apologised to Mode 9, using the platform where it all went viral – Twitter.
I want us to be cool like before, and as we were just before the Nokia show’ she wrote to Mode 9. ‘Pls accept my apologyModey, I know we had a chat, and still face2face when I get back, but 2 put a stop to this madness. I’m sorry boo’, @Muna01 tweeted at Modenine.
But the famous ‘apology tweets’ are now missing from Muna’s Twitter timeline.. Sources say her management was not happy with the tweets and asked her to delete them. ‘They expected her to stand by their statement and not apologize, I guess they were pissed off when Muna tweeted it and asked her to delete it‘, a source who would rather remain anonymous told NET.
Modenine did not respond to Muna’s earlier apologies and hasn’t tweeted since the development
